Christmas Break :P

Hey guys! Just a quick update for ya. Since it’s a week until Christmas, I’ve decided to take a short break from writing. I might write a little Christmas special or even another chapter of Mixed Feelings during, but this break is gonna be a little longer than expected.
I’m gonna be taking a break until about January 17 or so. Maybe earlier, but January 17 is the latest XD
Also, Mixed Feelings is ending soon, so I don’t know what I’m gonna do after that. If you guys have any suggestions for storylines, I’d be happy to use them. By the way, if you do give me a storyline or even just a little suggestion, I’ll give you credit for it! ๐Ÿ™‚
Sorry I haven’t been posting lately, I just haven’t had much inspiration. I think I need to start on a new story, because I’m starting to get tired of Mixed Feelings. ๐Ÿ˜› That’s why Mixed Feelings is ending soon.
Anyway, love you guys! ๐Ÿ˜€ peace out, Smoshers! ๐Ÿ™‚

Mixed Feelings part 15

Hey guys! Here’s part 15:

“Wow,” was all I had to say to Ian.
“Wow what? You haven’t talked to me in years, Rose. What do you expect me to say?” Ian asked. He didn’t have an angry voice; it sounded more hurt than angry.
“Well first of all, I’m really sorry I didn’t call. I was going through a rough time then, and didn’t realize how awesome you and Anthony are,” I said. “I practically forgot we were best friends. I’m a horrible person, I know. But secondly, YOU’RE FAMOUS!”
“Wait, what?” Ian paused for a second. “Oh, you mean our YouTube videos! Yeah, it’s pretty cool, huh?”
“‘Pretty cool’? It’s amazing! By the way, there are a few girls who post really creepy comments…” I trailed off, scrolling through the endless comments on Ian and Anthony’s video.
“Did you see our username?” Ian asked excitedly.
“Not yet!” I laughed, scrolling back up. I stared at the word for a minute. “Smosh?”
“It’s this word our friend came up with. Well, on accident. See, he was–hold on a minute, Anthony’s asking me who I’m talking to.” I heard mumbling in the background, then I barely made out what Ian said before hanging up. “Sorry, Rose!”
What just happened? I thought. Was I really talking to Ian?


“Flight to Sacramento, now boarding,” the voice in the loud speaker said. I remembered the last time I heard that voice.
“Well, I guess this is it,” my mom said. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, mom,” I said, hugging her. “But I have unfinished business in Sacramento, not to mention a life.” I laughed quietly.
She nodded. “Love you, bye!” And before I knew it, she was gone. Before I started walking again, I caught a glimpse of mom and her boyfriend making out. I practically gagged. I did not regret leaving my mom one bit.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t say the same about Nate. I missed him already. I had planned on calling him and telling him about leaving, but I never had the guts. Until now. “Hello?” I heard his voice through the phone.
“Nate? Yeah, hi. I’ve got something to say real quick,” I said nervously.
“Spit it,” he said. I could tell he was still angry about our break-up a couple days ago.
“I’m moving,” I said.
“To where?” he seemed a little less harsh now.
“Back to Sacramento.”
A few seconds of silence followed, then Nate said, “Oh. I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too,” I said, tears welling up in my eyes as I remembered the first time we met.
“Well, I’ll talk to you later,” Nate said.
“Yep,” I said awkwardly.
I was just about to hang up when Nate said, “Wait!”
“I love you.”
“I, I…love…you too,” I said slowly. Technically, I didn’t love him. I loved him as a person and all, but not as my ‘soulmate’ or anything. “Bye,” I said quickly, before things got too awkward. I hung up and rushed to catch the flight. Luckily, my conversation with Nate hadn’t lasted too long.
As I boarded the plane with my few belongings, I thought about texting Ian. At first I decided not to, because I wanted to surprise him. But then I thought, What if he lives in a different place? It’s 2009, for goodness sakes!
I ended up texting him after the flight to let him know I was coming and to get his new address. “I knew it,” I said to myself. “He does have a new address!”
“Yep, I do!” a familiar voice said behind me. I turned around to see a smiling Ian.
“Ian!” I exclaimed.
We hugged for like two minutes straight. I’d missed his arms, but I didn’t tell him that. I just smiled and enjoyed the moment.
“I can’t believe it! You look so different!” Ian said, eying me from head to toe.
I had to admit, I did look different. I’d completely gotten over my girly phase after graduating from high school. I traded dresses and leggings for t-shirts and jeans, and sparkly flats for navy blue converse. But the main change was my hair.
“Your hair…it’s red!” Ian seemed pleased with my new look.
“I know,” I said, but wrinkled my nose. “Everyone says it looks like blood ’cause it’s so dark.”
“No, it’s like a rose,” Ian smiled and winked. I blushed and looked down at my feet, making my hair cover my eyes. “Let’s go,” he said, “it’s getting dark.” Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as he put his arm around me and led me to his car.
When we got to his house, I was surprised to see someone in the living room, playing video games.

There’s part 15! Hope you liked it ๐Ÿ˜€

Mixed Feelings part 14

Hey guys! Here’s part 14:

“Hey, Nate,” I said, sighing.
“So, uh, I know this is kind of, well, fast-moving, I guess. What’s the word? I’m not sure. Anyway,” Nate rushed through his words WAY too fast, “would you wanna, well, go out sometime? Just you and me?”
I had to think about that for a while. But telling him “lemme think about it” would totally ruin my chances of being with him. So, I went with the easier, yet probably horrible choice of saying this:
“Sure! Sounds great!”
And that’s when my life changed for the better. Well, sort of…


“What do you mean you’re busy? You’re always busy nowadays! What’s the deal?” Nate yelled at me through the phone.
“I’m going to college, Nate! I have homework! I have to get good grades! What, do you not believe me everytime I tell you this?” I yelled right back.
It hadn’t always been like that. We used to be insanely in love with each other. But soon, we graduated high school, Nate ended up dropping out of college, and things went downhill from there.
“Well, sorry if I wish you didn’t make such lame excuses! Rose, if you’re with another guy, just tell me!”
“That’s the problem, Nate! You just don’t get it! I’m not with another guy, and I never will be! But you’ll never understand that, Mr College Dropout!” I couldn’t believe I’d shoved that into his face…again. I’d used that against him so many times. I don’t even know why. He only dropped out for me, so we could spend more time together. I, however, took the selfish route and kept going to college.
“Don’t you even try to make me guilty about THAT!” Nate screamed.
“THAT’S IT!” I screeched. “I can’t take this! We’re done!” I hung up the phone and burst into tears. I knew I had piles of homework, I just needed a few minutes to cry.
So, my life wasn’t quite working out as planned. Plus, I was lying about my grades to Nate. I’d been telling him about all my A’s and 100%’s that honestly didn’t exist. I’d been getting horrible grades, and I didn’t understand why. I hated college, but I wasn’t gonna drop out because most likely, Nate would get pissed at me. But, I figured, if he’s gone, I don’t have to worry about Nate getting pissed anymore.
I smiled to myself, then all of a sudden I remembered seeing an old friend laying on a high school floor, curled up in a ball, cringing. I missed Ian so much. But I knew I couldn’t go back now.
I signed and got onto YouTube, a new website that allows you to post videos. I thought it was a genius idea, and even though it’d already been out for a couple years, I’d only just discovered it.
When I was looking at some popular videos, I stumbled across one that was called “Food Battle 2007.”
The person in the thumbnail looked familiar, but I was sure it was actually him. I clicked on the video and watched the whole thing.
I almost peed my pants, first of all because the video was hilarious; and second of all because Ian and Anthony had made this video! They were practically famous!
I had no choice, I HAD to call Ian. I hadn’t talked to him in forever. Literally, though, it’d been at least 3 years.
There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. Suddenly we both said something at the same time: “I miss you.”

There’s part 14! Hope you liked it ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m probably gonna end it soon since I’m running out of ideas, but trust me, there’ll be a new series coming out that may or may not have something to do with a sequel to Aoife’s Smoshy Adventure ๐Ÿ˜‰
AND OHMYGOSH I can’t wait for the new Sherlock Holmes movie! I’ve been waiting for this for about a year now, I KNEW there was gonna be a sequel! XD

Mixed Feelings part 13

Hey guys! Here’s part thirteen:

When I woke up on Monday, my mom had a surprise for me.
“Come on, get up! I got you all signed up for school yesterday and it starts in an hour!” she yelled from the kitchen.
I groaned and dragged myself out of bed.
“What kind of school starts this early?” I mumbled.
“Uh, I dunno,” my mom said sarcastically. “A good one?”
I rolled my eyes and asked, “Wait, what am I gonna bring?”
“Didn’t you bring your school stuff with you?” mom asked, tilting her head.
“No, I guess I forgot,” I lied. I didn’t bring my school stuff cause I really didn’t like school. Obviously.
“Well, you’ll have to deal with this for now,” mom handed me a couple folders with several pencils and pens in them. “Oh, and here,” she shoved a stack of papers in my hands. “These are all the classes you’re taking and which rooms they’re in. There’s a cute little map that tells you how to get to each one, too.” My mom winked. “Also, grab some scrap paper you find around the house. I gotta go to work.”
We said goodbye and then mom left me alone in the apartment. Now, where am I supposed to find some scrap paper? I thought, sighing.
After searching for about ten minutes, I’d collected about five pieces of paper. Right as I was about to give up, something caught my eye. When I got closer to the object, I realized it was a binder full of paper. Hoping I could salvage the paper, I yanked the binder off of the shelf and opened it. To my surprise, all the paper was completely unused. I hurried down to the bus stop. It was very strange, because there were only about two people waiting for the school bus. In Sacramento, the bus stop was always crowded, wherever you were.
When the bus arrived, the two people hurried onto it, leaving me in the dust. Luckily, I managed to get on the bus before the impatient bus driver closed the doors.
“Thank you,” I said, smiling.
The bus driver just rolled his eyes. “Take a seat,” he said.
I nodded, held my school supplies close to my chest, and shivered. It was freezing in New Jersey.


I wandered into the small high school with my few supplies, feeling surprisingly small.
“You must be Rose,” a man in his late twenties said to me, sticking his hand out.
I awkwardly shook his hand and nodded. “Yeah, I’m Rose,” I said.
“Great! Welcome to Jersey Shore High! Follow me,” he led me to a locker. “This is yours. I’m hoping you’ll have more things to put in here soon,” he laughed.
I forced out a laugh, trying to be nice. “Thanks,” I said.
The guy stood there for a few seconds, then left after nodding and chuckling weirdly. Confused, I took a look at the papers mom got me. “Let’s see,” I said to myself, “When’s my next class?”
“Yeah, when is it?” a familiar voice asked.
I turned around to see Nate behind me. Great, I thought. Just what I needed.

There’s part thirteen! OH MY GOSH. It’s taken me AGES to complete this chapter, I’m SO SORRY! D: I’ve just been busy and I haven’t had many ideas for what to happen next. But I promise I’ll have more chapters coming out soon! ๐Ÿ™‚ hope you enjoyed this part, see you guys later! PEACE OUT SMOSHERS! ๐Ÿ˜›

Mixed Feelings part 11

Hey guys! Here’s part eleven:

“Flight 11 to New Jersey now boarding,” the voice on the speaker said. My heart was pounding. I wasn’t even paying attention to the people around me as I headed onto the plane.

I had decided to leave Sacramento. I couldn’t bear having all the drama. It was consuming my every thought. I needed to get away from it all, at least for a few years until I finished school. And I only knew one place where I could start over, but it wasn’t gonna be easy. I’d sneaked into my room and packed most of my stuff before my dad noticed I was even there. I deleted all my contacts besides the ones who weren’t in Sacramento off my phone.

I took a deep breath and sat down at a window seat. I turned my phone onto airplane mode and began listening to music while I waited for lift off. My eyes started tearing up as I thought about how I’d lived in Sacramento all my life, and now I was leaving. “Hey,” a voice said beside me. “Are you okay?”

I turned around and saw a boy around my age sitting right next to me. “I’m fine, just, uh, allergies.” I quickly turned back around, embarrassed. I wiped my tears and told myself, no more crying.

“Oh, sorry,” the boy said. “My little sister has that problem, too. A lot of people at school call her ‘cry baby.’ I know how it must feel.”

Crap, I thought, Now he thinks I’ve got some strange allergy. Oh well, I’m not gonna see him again after this trip, so one little lie won’t hurt, right?

I nodded and smiled a little. “So,” I said, “what’s your name?”

He answered, “Ted, yours?”

“Cool,” I said. “I’m Rose.”

“Sweet,” he said, bobbing his head awkwardly. I turned off my music so I could hear him better. “Uh, not to be nosy or anything, but why are you going to New Jersey?”

I shrugged. “Just coming back from a vacation,” I said.

“Sacramento for a vacation?” Ted asked, looking confused.

I nodded and laughed a little. “Well, my parents are, uh…divorced. So I got to visit my dad in Sacramento for a while.” A while? More like my whole life.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Ted blushed.

“Nah, don’t worry about it,” I said, smiling. “So, what about you? Why are you going to New Jersey?”

“I just came here to visit some family.” He flashed a grin.

“Oh,” I said, hearing the loud speaker’s announcement. “I guess we’re lifting off.” I took a deep breath. I’d only been on a plane once before, and I was only 5. Now I’m 17 and I don’t remember a thing from that plane ride.

“Yup,” Ted said. He looked completely calm.

I, however, was gripping my armrests so tightly, my hands were starting to hurt. The plane slowly lifted up and my legs began shaking.

“You scared of plane rides?” Ted chuckled.

When we finally landed, I got off the plane as fast as I could and left Ted behind.
“Hey! Wait!” to my dismay, Ted was calling me. I paused, pondering whether I should turn around or not. Finally, I sighed and slowly walked back to Ted.
“I have a confession,” Ted said. His face was all red.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“My name’s not Ted. And my sister doesn’t really have that allergy problem,” he said. “My real name is Nate. And I was trying to make conversation with when I mentioned my sister’s non-existent allergy because…well…I think you’re, uh, kinda cute.”
I blushed. “Thanks,” I said. “You’re pretty cute, too.” I wasn’t lying, either. “And, uh, I have a confession too. I don’t really have an allergy, either. I was just crying.”
“Oh,” Nate said, half-smiling. “Well, if you ever feel like telling me why you were crying, you can just call me.” He pulled out some paper and wrote down his number.
Nate handed me the paper and in a few seconds he was gone. I had to admit, he was cute. And charming. But I wasn’t ready for another relationship so fast. I needed to figure out my life right now.

There’s part 11! Sorry it’s so short, a new part is coming out soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

Mixed Feelings part 10

Here’s part ten:


“Ian! Ian! Are you there?” I asked, knocking on the door. I heard someone walking around inside. “Ian, I know you’re in there!”

Finally, Ian’s voice came quietly from inside, “Door’s unlocked!”

“Ian, what are you doing?” I asked, looking around. I slowly closed the door behind me and waited for Ian’s response. “Hello? Are you okay, Ian?”

When I heard a groan above me, I immediately started looking for a staircase. Luckily, it didn’t take me long to find one. I rushed upstairs and quickly looked in every room until I got to the last one. The door was half-closed, and when I peeked in I saw Ian smiling at me, sitting on a bed that seemed to be his. “Ian! There you are!”

“No, wait, Rose!” Ian said, his expression changing to scared as I started pushing the door out further so I could see the whole room.

I gasped. Anthony lay curled up on the floor, his nose bloody, and panting like crazy. “Anthony, what happened?”

Anthony didn’t answer. I couldn’t stand to see him like that. I started to help him up, but Ian said, “Stop, Rose. What are you doing?”

“What? Why would I stop? I’m just helping him out,” I said, confused. I was still holding Anthony’s arms, about to pull him up.

Ian just had this serious look on his face. “He almost ruined our relationship, Rose. He deserved it.”

“What? Youย did this, Ian?” I asked, shocked.

Ian just nodded and said, “Of course I did. Like I said, he deserved it.”

I shook my head furiously and said, “No, Ian. What’s wrong with you? Anthony wasn’t thinking last night, the love of his life had just broken up with him. What do you expect him to do? He’d gone bonkers.”

“No, I hadn’t,” mumbled Anthony.

“Don’t speak, Anthony, you’re gonna start saying stuff you don’t mean,” I said quietly to him. I glared at Ian and helped Anthony up.

I left the house with Anthony leaning on my shoulder, limping. “I’m sorry Ian did that to you,” I said. “I don’t know what he was thinking. I can’t imagine him being so angry that he’d beat up his best friend.”

“It’s okay,” Anthony said. “I’ve seen him like that before.”

“Woah, when?”

“In middle school, when I dared him to kiss his crush,” Anthony chuckled, then coughed. “When he did, and got rejected, he punched me straight in the nose.”

“Wow,” was all I said.

For a while, neither of us said anything. We just sat there, being completely quiet.

But soon I realized I had to actually go somewhere. “Hey, don’t you need to go to the hospital and get your nose checked out?”

Anthony shrugged and said, “I dunno. I don’t think it’s broken, though. I might need some tissue, though.”

“Oh, yeah, sorry,” I blushed and handed Anthony a few tissues from my purse.

“Thanks,” Anthony said, wiping off his nose.

“So, should we go to your house?” I asked.

“Sure, I guess. And, uh, not to be rude or anything, but why can’t we go to your house?”

Anthony’s question made me stop and think. I couldn’t tell him the whole story. “Long story,” I said, shrugging.

When we got to Anthony’s house, his parents greeted us warmly. I smiled as Anthony introduced us, and then we headed to his room.

“Fancy house,” I said, laughing a little. I wasn’t joking, though. Anthony’s house was huge.

“Thanks,” Anthony laughed, too.

As we sat down on his bed, I instantly got nervous. What do I say? “I like your room”ย ? That’s what everyone says. I just awkwardly grasped my elbow and bit my lip. I don’t know why I was so worried about talking to Anthony. He was my closest friend.

“So…” Anthony said. “Do you play Pokemon?”

At first I thought he was joking, so I smiled at him. But I realized he was being serious when he just tilted his head and said, “Well?”

“Well, I don’t,” I said, “but sometimes I wish I did.”

“Like when?” Anthony kept staring at me.

“Like…now, I guess,” I shrugged. “Then maybe we could be playing Pokemon together or something.”

“I could teach you.”

“I know, I just…I wish I had started playing when you had. Then you wouldn’t be able to trick me into losing or something,” I laughed, elbowing him gently.

Our eyes met. My heart started pounding faster and faster. We were both leaning in closer, and closer, and closer. Then, BAM.ย We were kissing. I couldn’t believe it. Suddenly, I pulled away.

“What? What happened?” Anthony asked.

“I…I can’t,” I said, taking a deep breath. “I can’t be with you. I can’t be with Ian either. I can’t do this anymore, I just can’t!”

I rushed out of Anthony’s room, and out of his house, then I drove off. I had no idea where I was gonna go next.


Thanks for reading part ten! Hope you liked it(: peace out, Smoshers!

Mixed Feelings part 9

Hey guys! Here’s part nine:

I couldn’t believe it. Ian hated me. And all because Anthony kissed me and I felt the need to defend him. I was so angry, I texted Anthony back:

“You better be sorry. Ian hates me now, and it’s all your fault, you bastard!”

Even after ten minutes, Anthony didn’t respond. Now I felt even more horrible. I’d pushed away my closest friends. And my boyfriend. I glanced over at the cashier, who seemed to be in a better mood now that Ian had stormed off. The more I looked at her, the more I realized how familiar she was. I sighed and left the small cafe-like place. I didn’t even think about taking my smoothie with me.

On my way home, I found Ian walking along the sidewalk, hands deep in his pockets. I slowed down for him and motioned for him to get in the car. He just stared at me like I was crazy. I leaned over, opened the passenger door, and patted the seat. He half-smiled and slowly got into the car. For a few minutes it was just an awkward, quiet ride.

I finally broke the silence, “I’m sorry, Ian.”

He shrugged and said, “It’s alright. I kinda overreacted. But it still bothers me that you’re keeping something from me.”

“How do you know Anthony and I weren’t just having a normal conversation?” I asked.

“Because I know you, Rose,” Ian said quietly. “I can tell when you’re lying.”

I didn’t know how to answer for a while, then I said, “Have you ever been afraid to tell someone close a secret, when you know it will ruin a relationship of theirs?”

“Well, sort of…” Ian mumbled. “But it was a long time ago. We were in middle school, Anthony and I. He had a crush on some stupid girl, and I was trying to set her up with him, but she took it the wrong way. Anthony came over to us to see what we were doing and got mad because he thought I was asking her out. But I really wasn’t, of course.”

“Huh,” I said, tapping my hands on the steering wheel.

“So, Rose,” Ian said, “I can’t take this much longer. What were you talking to Anthony about?”

“Well, I, uh…” I stumbled on my words, trying to find a way to explain to him in a way that wouldn’t make him tooย mad. “Anthony kissed me,” slipped out of my mouth. I tried to say something else, but Ian interrupted me.

“What?” Ian asked. He sounded so broken-hearted, not angry at all.

I felt so horrible. “He wasn’t thinking straight. I told him I couldn’t possibly love him in the way I love you, Ian. He texted me today, apologizing. But after you ran off, I was so frustrated that I responded in a way I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry, Ian. I should’ve told you.”

“No, it’s okay,” Ian said, looking at me. “I shouldn’t have been so mad at you.”

“Well, we worked that out fast,” I said, smiling a little.

“Yeah,” Ian laughed. “I hope all our little fights are like this.”

I paused for a moment, thinking. “But, what about the big fights? You know, the ones we might not handle as well?”

“I don’t know, Rose,” Ian said, “I don’t really know. But let’s just hope we don’t have big fights at all.”

I nodded and kept driving. Then I realized something. “Where are we going?” I asked, laughing.

“I don’t know the answer to that question, either,” Ian laughed with me.

We ended up at the mall, looking at random stuff. “What do you think of this?” Ian asked in Hot Topic, holding up some Twilightย lingerie and modeling it.

I held in a laugh and said, “Sexy.” We both cracked up and Ian put it back. People were staring at us but I didn’t care. Ian was hilarious, cute, and sweet; the perfect guy.

“Hey dad, I’m home!” I said, closing the front door behind me.

“Where the hell were you?” my dad said, quickly coming over to me.

Shit,ย I thought. “I was hanging out with, uh…” I hadn’t told my dad about Ian and I dating. I don’t even know if he knew about Ian at all. So I lied, kinda of: “I was with my friends, at the mall.” Ian was my friend. And my boyfriend, of course. So technically, it was only a little white lie. But that didn’t matter to my dad.

“You are in so much trouble!” I winced from my dad’s loud voice. He really didย have anger problems.

“I’m so sorry, dad, I–”

“No. No more of this.” My dad shook his head.

More of what? This has never happened before! I was starting to get pissed, too.

“You’re grounded! Gimme your phone, too,” dad held out his hand.

I felt like grabbing a knife and chopping his hand off, but I took a deep breath and slowly reached into my back pocket. Wait, where’s my phone?ย “I don’t have it,” I said, my face turning red.

“What?!?! You lost your phone, too?” my dad was practically screaming.

I nodded. My dad looked like he was about to explode. I had no idea what to do. So I just ran. Out the front door, into my car. And then I drove. I just drove away. I had just left my dad, just like how my mom had left us when I was little. Tears flooded my eyes as I made my way to Ian’s house. I knew I could trust him. Plus, his parents were gone for the weekend. We had the house to ourselves. But when I got there, I was in for a surprise.

There’s part nine! hope you liked it(: peace out Smoshers!

Mixed Feelings part 8

Hey guys! Here’s part eight:

After dancing for about an hour, the three of us were tired. “What time is it?” I asked Ian.
He looked at his phone and said, “Wow, it’s only 10:30!”
“Woah,” Anthony said. “I’m usually not this tired until after midnight.” He yawned, and Ian and I laughed.
“Well, I better get home,” I said. “You guys need a ride home?”
Ian said, “Well, my dad said he’d pick me up, but thanks for offering, babe.” He hugged me.
Anthony shrugged, hands deep in his pockets. “Well, Jasmine drove me here, so, if you can, and don’t mind, maybe you–well–”
“I’ll give you a ride home, Anthony,” I said, chuckling.
Outside, Ian and I hugged goodbye. “Thanks so much,” I whispered into his ear. I kissed him in the cheek and he got into his dad’s car.
Then Anthony and I got into my car. Before I could even start the car, Anthony said, “Um, could we talk for a little while? Like, before you start driving?”
“Uh,” I wasn’t sure what we were gonna talk about, but oh well, “sure.”
“Okay, thanks,” Anthony smiled. His smile made me smile, it was so cute. Wait, what was I thinking? Ian was my boyfriend, not Anthony. “So,” Anthony interrupted my thoughts, “why do you think Jasmine dated me if she broke up with me so easily?”
“I dunno,” I said. “You’re cute, sweet, and funny. Maybe it’s cause you were so popular, and then you became friends with Ian again, and Jasmine lost interest. She’s just in it to be popular. Forget about her, she’s nobody to think about.”
“But she treated me like I was so special,” Anthony said, tearing up. “All I know is, I felt like somebody when I was with her. She made me feel important.”
“Anthony,” I said louder, “you are somebody, regardless if you’re dating Jasmine or not. Don’t ever think about it any other way.”
“Thanks Rose,” Anthony smiled.
I just smiled back and started the car. But suddenly, two hands surrounded my cheeks and pulled me into soft lips. I couldn’t believe it. Anthony was kissing me. Half of me wanted to kiss back, and the other half was screaming NO. I pulled away after a second, and Anthony leaned in for another one. However, my hand stopped him.
“Anthony, what are you doing?” I asked loudly. I was angry at him now.
“Rose, I can’t stand being without you,” Anthony was tearing up again. “Please, I need you. You’re the only one I want.”
“But I’m dating Ian!” I said, even louder. “As much as I love you, I can’t love you like I love Ian. You’re one of my closest friends, Anthony. But, I can’t date you. I guarantee you’ll find another girl, Anthony.” I stared him straight in the face for a few seconds, then started driving. “Where’s your house?”
The next morning, it was Saturday. I was so thankful for the weekend; I had to get away from it all. “Rose, breakfast’s here!” I heard my dad call from downstairs. I loved my dad. Every Saturday, we got donuts. I always got a pink frosted sprinkled donut and a maple bar with a slice of bacon on top of it. It sounds crazy, but you gotta try it first.
Anyway, I hopped out of bed and looked at the clock, exhausted. Yawning and smiling because it was already 10:45am, I got dressed and rushed downstairs.
“Thanks, dad,” I smiled and took a big bite of my maple bar. I always saved my pink frosted sprinkled donut for last.
Dad opened his mouth to say something, but his cellphone rang. “Sorry, gotta take this,” he got up and went into the livingroom.
I nodded and pretended to be absorbed in my donut. However, I was listening intently to his conversation.
“I’m sick of this shit, man. Come on, it’s fucking Saturday!” my dad yelled. He really had an anger problem.
He sat back down at the table and took a surprisingly large and vicious bite of donut. “I gotta go to work today,” he grumbled. I sighed. “I’m sorry,” my dad frowned. “I know you were looking forward to spending the day watching TV with me.” We both laughed.
After breakfast, dad left for work and I turned on the TV. I flipped through all my favorite channels, not finding one good show. I sighed and turned off the TV.

I texted Ian: “Hey Ian(: wanna hang out today?”

He replied: “Sure! Where?”

Me: “Uhhhh idk maybe that smoothie place we both like?”

Ian: “Sounds great ๐Ÿ˜€ cya there!”

I smiled and shoved my phone in my pocket and drove down to the smoothie place. Ian got there a little later. “Sorry,” he said. “I had to convince Anthony to drive me here.”

Memories from last night flooded into my mind. I shook them off and laughed. “Why couldn’t you get one of your parents to drive you?”

“Because they’re gone in Vegas for the weekend,” his facial expression went from happy to depressed.

“Oh, sorry,” I said awkwardly. I was never good at handling situations like this. “Well, want a smoothie?” I tried to lighten the mood.ย Ian nodded and we headed towards the cashier girl. She looked about our age.

“Whaddaya want?” she mumbled. I could tell she just lovedย her job (sarcasm intended).

Ian started. “I’ll have a medium pineapple mango blueberry strawberry smoothie,” he said.

“I’ll have the same,” I smiled at her. She just rolled her eyes and started making the smoothies. Ian shrugged while we stood back and waited.

After we got out smoothies and Ian and I had an argument over who paid, we went to a table and sat down. “Mmmmm,” Ian said, sipping his fruity beverage, “this would go good with a pink frosted sprinkled donut.”

Just after he said that, Anthony texted me. “Haha, yeah,” I answered Ian as I read the text: “Hey Rose I’m really sorry about last night. I should’ve just walked home.”

“Who’s that?” Ian asked me.

I panicked and said quickly, “My mom!”

“Yeah, right,” Ian said, laughing. “Come on, just tell me!”

“Anthony,” I said. I tried not to act like I was hiding something, but it obviously didn’t work.

“What’s wrong with texting him?” Ian asked. “Are you keeping a secret from me, Rose?”

I shook my head and laughed, but my voice broke. The tell-tale sign of me lying. I cleared me throat, “Of course not, Ian!”

Ian stared at me for a few silent seconds, then shook his head. “I can’t believe you’re lying to me, Rose. Just tell the truth.”

I couldn’t bare seeing Ian like this, but I didn’t want him and Anthony to fight. After a few minutes, Ian scowled and stormed off. I tried to go after him, but my legs wouldn’t work. “Ian!” I called.


There’s part eight, FINALLY! AGHHH I can’t believe I went that long without posting a new chapter ๐Ÿ˜ฆ sorry guys



Mixed Feelings part 7

Hey guys! Here’s part 7:

Even though I loved Ian’s gift, prom was still a disaster so far.
“Anty, I have to talk to you…” I heard Jasmine say to Anthony before Ian and I left for the gym. Or as the principal called it, the “rock room.”
And of course, when we got there, they stopped playing the good fast song, and started playing slow, cheesy-romantic songs. However, I didn’t say anything to Ian. I didn’t want to insult him if he liked the song.
But after a little while, Ian told me, “I don’t like this song. Wanna go somewhere else until they start playing good songs?”
I nodded and we took off, towards the halls. “Where are we going?” I asked, trying to keep up with Ian’s fast pace.
No answer from Ian as we passed by lockers in the empty hallway. Then, Ian stopped.
“Where we first met,” we both said at the same time, then laughed. I remembered seeing Ian on the floor. He hadn’t changed much from that moment. Then again, it had only been a month. But it felt like forever ago.
I looked at my bracelet. The silver chain glistened and the purple charms sparkled. I felt fingers on my chin, they were Ian’s, pulling my face up to look at his. Our eyes met and my heart started beating a mile a minute.
“I can’t believe you’re my girlfriend, you’re too beautiful,” Ian said quietly.
“No, no,” I said. “You’re the best boyfriend ever. I’m just lucky to have you.” I giggled.
Ian chuckled and grasped both my hands. Suddenly, though, I heard one of my favorite songs coming from the gym. “Let’s go!” I said, smiling and gently pulling him towards the gym entrance.
“Wait!” Ian said, stopping me in my tracks with a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and in a few moments we were in the gym, dancing.
“Want me to get us some punch?” Ian asked.
“I’ll just come with you,” I said. “If you don’t mind.”
“Of course not,” Ian said, sticking his elbow out. He made a silly face when I took his arm.
“What’s with the facial expression?” I asked.
Ian laughed and made a normal face again. “It’s my fancy face,” he said with an English accent, smiling at me.
I laughed and we made our way to the punch table.
I noticed Anthony sitting by the wall without Jasmine. I poked Ian as he was getting his punch and pointed. I think Anthony saw us, because he got up and walked out of the gym.
“Hurry, let’s get him!” I said. I felt bossy, so I added, “If you want to, of course.”
“Yeah, let’s go. I’m worried about him,” Ian said. We put down our punch and rushed after the door Anthony exited through.
“Do you think something happened?” I asked as we ran through the hallways, searching for Anthony.
“What do you mean by ‘something’?” Ian asked.
“Like, something bad,” I said, panting. We turned a corner and found the reason why Anthony was alone.
There was Jasmine, making out with that jerk who’d asked me out.
We ignored them and kept looking for Anthony. I really wanted to strangle Jasmine for what she did to Anthony, but I held it in, like I always do.
We finally found Anthony, just about to go into the guy’s bathroom. “Aha!” Ian said, grabbing his arm. “Dude, stop.”
“Let go of me,” Anthony said quietly.
“Dude, just stay with us,” Ian said. “We don’t have to go back to the gym if you don’t want to. I won’t leave you alone, though.”
“Yeah, exactly,” I added, “We’re always here for you.”
“Thanks,” Anthony mumbled.
After a second or two of awkward silence, Ian said, “I saw Jasmine. I’m sorry, man.”
“It wasn’t just that,” Anthony sighed. “She broke up with me right before she got all over that jock guy.”
“I’m sorry, Anthony,” I said. I gave him a hug. A hint of butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I ignored them.
“Well, watcha wanna do?” Ian asked Anthony.
“I dunno,” Anthony answered. “I don’t really wanna stay here. Let’s just go back to the gym.”
I nodded and we headed for the gym. The feeling I got when I hugged Anthony stuck in my gut like it was trapped. But I was trying my best to push it out.

There’s part 7! Sorry it took FOREVER to come out, I was gone at camp for a while. ๐Ÿ˜› but there’ll be more soon ๐Ÿ˜€
Peace out Smoshers(:

Mixed Feelings part 6

Hey guys! Here’s part six:

The next week, Ian and I had grown closer. I guess since we knew we were officially dating, it was less awkward between us. We went everywhere together, and even got our prom outfits during a shopping trip.
As we made our way through the flooded hallways, our hands were tightly locked together. Suddenly, a familiar guy our age stood in front of us.
“Uh, hey,” he said.
Ian smiled. “Hi, Anthony. This is my girlfriend, Rose.” It was so nice to hear him say it out loud like that. I loved being introduced as “Ian’s girlfriend.”
“Hi, Rose,” Anthony said.
“Oh, yeah! You were the kid that stood up for Ian when he got beat up,” I said, smiling at him. I stuck out my hand. “Nice to meet you.”
When Anthony shook my hand, something immediately clicked between us. I pushed the weird feeling away and pulled my hand away. “Yeah. Nice.”
We hung out with Anthony the rest of the day. It was kind of awkward, because Anthony seemed more interested in me than Ian, but it was okay. I still like Ian more. However, Ian thought it’d be cool to have Anthony and his girlfriend come to prom with us. A double date? Really? I didn’t object, though. It would’ve been rude, Anthony being right there and all.
So, on the night of prom, I met Anthony’s girlfriend, Jasmine. She was an absolute slut. Her butt was hanging out of her dress and so were her boobs. I could hardly look at her without cringing.
“Well, Anthony and I have to go get something for you two,” Ian said, smiling at me and letting go of my hand.
After Ian and Anthony left, I noticed Jasmine glaring at me. “What?” I ask defensively. What the firetruck did I do?
“I know what you’re planning,” she said, getting slowly closer to me.
I was confused. “What? What do you think I’m planning?”
“I know you want Anthony, I see it in your eyes. The way you smiled at him when you saw him,” Jasmine was about two inches from my face right then.
“What? No! I have no feelings for Anthony. I’m hardly even friends with him! Plus, how could I hurt Ian like that? I…I love Ian.” I couldn’t believe what I just said.
A few seconds of silence later, Ian and Anthony came back. They had their hands behind their backs. “What are you hiding?” Jasmine asked Anthony in her annoying, high-pitched voice.
Anthony giggled. “I can’t show you yet.”
“Come on, just give me a…big hint,” she winked, pulling on his suit jacket.
I looked at Ian and pretended to gag on my finger. He was obviously stifling a laugh.
“It’s a surprise,” Anthony said.
“Dammit Anty, you know I hate surprises!” Jasmine whined. I wanted to punch her right in the face.
However, I kept my cool and said, “But surprises are the best!” I laughed when Anthony nodded, knowing that it bothered Jasmine. “Also: really? Anty? That’s his nickname? You gotta do better than that.”
“Whatever,” Jasmine said, rolling her eyes.
“Well, Ian, you ready to show them?” Anthony grinned at his friend.
Ian nodded, then they both held their hands out. In their hands were small, rectangular boxes.
Jasmine shrieked, so I guessed she’d already snatched it from Anthony and opened the box. I gently took the box from Ian, making sure to smile all the while. A giggle slipped from my mouth as I hugged Ian.
“Thank you so much, Ian,” I said.
“Well, go ahead. Put it on,” Ian had a big grin on his face, and it was adorable.
I put on the gift. It was a charm bracelet with different charms, all in different shades of purple. Funny, a few charms had letters on them that spelled a word I was unfamiliar with…
“‘Smosh’?” Jasmine asked. “What does that mean?”
“Anthony and his friend and I kind of invented the word. We’re not sure what it means yet, but we thought it’d be a good way to remember us,” Ian said, smiling.
“I didn’t ask you,” Jasmine snapped, and Ian looked surprisingly calm.
“It’s alright,” Anthony said, putting his arm around Jasmine’s shoulder. “He was just helping me out.” He smiled at his girlfriend and she fake-smiled back. However, Anthony was too lovestruck to notice her flakey grin.

There’s part six! Hope you liked it ๐Ÿ˜›
Peace out Smoshers! ๐Ÿ˜€